To be a top-dog engineer, you’ve got to stay on top of the latest research and technology trends. Why? So that you can learn from others and apply their lessons to your own work and master new skills to produce results that didn’t exist before.
This page hosts a collection of my notes from scientific journal articles I’ve read over the years. These articles are mostly engineering based, with topics ranging from autonomous systems, machine learning, fluid mechanics, manufacturing, rocketry, to aviation and aeronautics.
Citation: Purwandari, K., Sigalingging, J. W., Cenggoro, T. W., & Pardamean, B. (2021). Multi-class weather forecasting from Twitter using machine learning approaches. Procedia Computer Science, 47-54. Key Idea The researchers’ goal in this study was to classify intra-day weather at an hourly timescale, by using data mining techniques to extract keywords from the social media …
Key Idea In this article the researchers assembled a small-vehicle prototype, to be used as a development platform for their research control-system architecture. The researchers’ objective was to develop a closed-loop autonomous small-scale vehicle equipped with only one sensor – a camera. The camera produces image data that is then fed into a deep learning …